Quarkus Quinoa - Main Concepts

How it works

The Quinoa build (using npm)

Quinoa Build
packages are installed by Quinoa before the build when needed (i.e npm install). See Packages installation. Quinoa is pre-configured to work with your favorite package manager (npm, yarn or pnpm).

Runtime for production mode

When running jar or binary in production mode:

Quinoa Runtime Production

Runtime for full Quarkus live-coding

Quinoa (using Quarkus live-coding watch feature) will watch the Web UI directory and trigger a new build on changes. It works the same as the production mode. This option is perfect for small/fast builds.

You can differentiate the build for dev mode. e.g to disable minification.

Runtime for proxied live-coding

When running dev-mode (e.g with npm on port 3000):

Quinoa Proxy Dev
Quarkus live-coding will keep watching for the backend changes as usual.