Quarkus Artemis Resource Adapter

This extension enables the use of the Apache ActiveMQ Artemis JMS Resource Adapter in Quarkus.

And it leverages on Quarkus IronJacamar


To benefit from a consistent definition of the Artemis dependencies (including artemis-server often used in the tests), it is recommended to add the following BOM to your project, below the Quarkus BOM:


Once the BOM is added, simply add the io.quarkiverse.artemis:quarkus-artemis-ra extension:


We recommend to set properties quarkus.version and artemis.version to the versions you are using/need to use. We also recommend to align artemis.version with the artemis server version used.


In your application

quarkus.ironjacamar.ra.kind=artemis (1)

quarkus.ironjacamar.ra.config.connection-parameters=host=localhost;port=5445;protocols=HORNETQ (2)

quarkus.ironjacamar.activation-spec.myqueue.config.destination-type=jakarta.jms.Queue (3)
1 This is the resource adapter kind. It must match the value of the @ResourceAdapterKind annotation in the ResourceAdapterFactory implementation.
2 (Optional) You can specify the resource adapter configuration that will be passed to your ResourceAdapterFactory#createResourceAdapter implementation method.
3 (Optional) You can specify optional activation spec configuration ResourceAdapterFactory#createActivationSpec implementation method.

Multiple Resource Adapters

You can configure more than one ResourceAdapter instance in your application. Just name the resource adapter in the configuration:

quarkus.ironjacamar.main.ra.kind=artemis (1)

To reference in the code, you must use the @io.smallrye.common.annotation.Identifier annotation:

import io.quarkiverse.ironjacamar.ResourceEndpoint;
import io.smallrye.common.annotation.Identifier;

import jakarta.inject.Inject;

import jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory;
import jakarta.jms.Message;
import jakarta.jms.MessageListener;

@Identifier("other") (1)
public class MyResourceEndpoint implements MessageListener {

    ConnectionFactory connectionFactory; (2)

    public void onMessage(Message message) {
1 This MessageListener will be activated by the other resource adapter configured above.
2 This ConnectionFactory will be the one configured in the main resource adapter.

Configuration Reference

For more details about Quarkus IronJacamar Configuration, please refer to the documents.